St. Patrick’s Day at GHBC
Get Your GREENport On! Join Greenport Harbor Brewing Co. for an all-day St. Patrick’s Celebration! Enjoy classic corned beef & other Irish fare, sip on hot toddies, and experience a Jameson whiskey tasting. Live music by Who Are Those Guys from 3-6 PM will keep the party going!
Limerick Contest Alert! GHBC will award a $25 gift card to the authors of the winning limerick about BEER. To enter, DM us with your entry by Friday, March 14th. Limericks must contain five lines. In-person submissions will take place @6pm after the band commences. The winning limericks will be announced on St Patrick’s Day
Your local brewery’s on a mission
To inspire your limerick submission
Of five lines in length
With rhymes of some strength
The best ones can win the competition.