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Walk in Oneness For the World: Foster Memorial Beach 9/23 9:30am

September 23, 2023, 9:30 amnoon.

Walk in oneness for the World!  Dr. Joe Meditation collective invite you to join us on 9/23/23 to walk in oneness for the world at 9:30 am to start promptly at 10 am at Foster Memorial Beach, Sag/Noyac and TBD to connect after! All Welcome!  Bring yourself, water, drinks, snacks, bathing suit, drums, sound bowls, fishing rods & whatever else to connect Join thousands around the world in global community, walking into a new future, together. With a collective attention, focused on change, and clear intention.

Dr Joe Dispenza’s first live international walking meditation.  When we walk as one mind and one heart, a higher consciousness emerges.  Email Ckintention@gmail.com for more info.


1000 Noyack-Long Beach Rd
Sag Harbor, NY 11963 United States